Protein RP Silica Columns

Protein RP Silica Columns

Reversed phase chromatography is one of the most frequently used chromatographic modes for analytical separations. It is often used for the analysis of small molecular weight compounds, but there are also various standard applications for the separation of biomolecules, such as proteins.

TSKgel Protein C4-300 columns are the newest Reversed Phase columns from Tosoh Bioscience. They are designed for the optimal recovery and resolution of proteins such as recombinant proteins, antibody fragments or PEGylated proteins. The 30 nm pore size of the TSKgel Protein C4-300 columns are ideal for the separation of proteins.

Featuring trimethylsilane groups covalently attached to large 25 nm pores, TSKgel TMS-250 is an excellent choice for analysis of larger proteins by reversed phase HPLC. Due to the low hydrophobicity of the ligand, excellent recoveries are common even when used with large proteins. Proteins such as adolase (158kDa) exhibit sharp peaks relative to wide pore C18 columns.